Health & Wellness Services

hip injury

How ‘At Risk’ are you of non-contact injury?

Injury Mechanisms How do we move optimally, with no relevant risk (RR) of injury? The fundamental component of athletic activity is efficiency of movement. Efficiency of movement is compromised when there are changes in biomechanical function, often termed ‘movement disorder’, ‘impairment’ or ‘dysfunction’, causing an individual to adapt and adjust to the loads placed upon it. Anatomical and physiological dysfunction of joints and tissues either present themselves as a primary or secondary pathology to the individual. The alteration of either can influence the stresses placed on each system, and therefore cannot be sustained for a lifetime without it metamorphosing in to a clinical condition (Noyes, Schipplein, Andriacchi, Saddemi & Weise, 1992). Intrinsic risk factors are those factors that affect the load tolerance of the tissues within the athlete (Bartlett & Bussey, 2012). Many intrinsic risk factors are considered non-modifiable (Bartlett & Bussey, 2012). However, poor alignment, biomechanics, and motor control …

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