Health & Wellness Services

C7 1-Full Day


As individual as the experience of fatigue for an individual is also the driver to an individuals fatigue.  Do you have fatigue because at a cellular level your cells have reduced their functional capacity? Maybe it’s a chemical imbalance in your body?  Or, your not oxygenated enough? What about your structural tracking is impaired?


I can help you as a professional working in silo or within a team to offer you all a different approach to multiple clinical matters.

Health is such a big and widespread topic and it’s value is bespoke to every individual on this planet.

A great example of a common health complaint is the feeling of being fatigued.  Fatigue can be completely devastating to some individuals, whilst others may find it an annoyance.

As individual as the experience of fatigue for an individual is also the driver to an individuals fatigue.  Do you have fatigue because at a cellular level your cells have reduced their functional capacity? Maybe it’s a chemical imbalance in your body?  Or, your not oxygenated enough? What about your structural tracking is impaired?

Common problems with the approach to improving an individuals health

At least 4x per week (every week!) I’m consulted by family, friends or other professionals with regards to how an individual they know is being assessed by another professional.

Often the approach I hear is one with total and complete annihilation (AK47 approach), rather than a target/goal specific approach (Sniper approach).  I prefer the ‘sniper approach’ – it’s a targeted approach that creates less chaos and threat to the patient(s) hollistic health.


  • Ergonomics
  • Postural
  • Active Daily Living (ADL) relative risks for injury
  • Movement
  • Task Specific
  • Sports
  • Manual Hands-On Data Acquisition
  • Applied Kinesiology
  • Dynamic Ultrasound Imaging
  • Force Platforms
  • Body MOT Screening


  • Professionals
  • Individuals


  • Working with a team
  • Driver specific plan
  • Dry Needling
  • Kinesiotaping
  • Laser
  • Cranial Sacral Therapy
  • Bowen
  • Sports Massage
  • Lymphatic Massage
  • Neurodynamics

Personal Training

  • Corrective exercise programmes
  • Rehabilitation
  • Performance based

Lifestyle modifications

  • Sleep
  • Eating
  • Hydration
  • Habits
  • Planning
  • Measuring progression

Goal setting

  • Short term
  • Medium term
  • Long term

Nutritional planning

  • Keto
  • Paleo
  • Wholefood
  • Auto Immune Protocol (AIP) (modified)
  • Low FODMAP (modified)
  • Fasting

Report writing

  • A full document of all tests conducted
  • All results from testing
  • Plan of Action

The definition of insanity is: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  Live life without limitations and #DontWaitToBreak

What is biomechanics?

Biomechanics encompasses the area of science concerned with the analysis of the mechanics of human movement.

It refers to the description, detailed analysis and assessment of human movement during sport activities.

Mechanics is a branch of physics that is concerned with the description of motion/movement and how forces create motion/movement.

Biomechanics explores the motion of objects, including displacement, velocity, and acceleration, forces acting on a body.

There are skeletal, muscular and neurological considerations we also need to consider when describing biomechanics.

Clinical biomechanics

Involves research in the areas of gait, neuromuscular control, tissue mechanics, and movement evaluation during rehabilitation from either injury or disease.

Sports Science biomechanics

Research is the ability to establish an understanding of causal mechanisms for selected movements

Occupational biomechanics 

Typically involves research in the areas of ergonomics and human growth or morphology as they influence movement.

Contact jo with your enquiry

To be able to ensure I am the right person for the 1 day of consultation you are looking for please email me on the eForm below with a short message on what you are looking for and why you are making this enquiry with me.

This will begin the line of communication between us, enabling us to define and agree the needs analysis of the day prior to payment.

Many thanks,



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