Health & Wellness Services


Is MSK Rehab and Research Missing the Point?

Musculoskeletal properties related to movement effectiveness Movement effectiveness can be any task i.e. stand-to-sit, lunge, walk etc.  For this blog we shall be looking at ‘vertical jumps’. Jump movements are commonly used as part of the sports-biomechanical research to measure overall power of the lower extremities (Bosco and Komi, 1979; Hunter and Marshall, 2002; Marques and Gonzalez-Badillo, 2011) and as a training task for improving performance and power (Bobbert, 1990; Krol andd Mynarski, 2012). During the jump, there is a complex interaction between three joints; hip, knee and ankle. Anatomically the most important factors to achieve maximal jump coordination, ineffective movements are minimised and effective movements maximised, will depend upon the number of joints a muscle spans, physiological cross section of a muscle (van Soest and Bobbert, 1993), muscle tendon length ratio (Voigt, Simonsen, Dyhre-Poulson and Klausen, 1995; Finni, 2000), length and velocity of muscle contraction (Hill, 1938; Voigt et …

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