Health & Wellness Services

C2 Initial Appointment


The initial appointment gives you time to tell Jo your story.  This time will factor in to Jo structuring a bespoke profile goal focused programme for you.  This will maximise your potential because it is focused on your current needs and life time goals.


Initial Appointment with Dr. Jo Abbott

An Initial Appointment is ideal for those who:

  1. are meeting Dr. Jo for the first time,
  2. are returning after a 3-month break from their last session with Dr. Jo,
  3. or have had a free online consultation with Dr. Jo and were advised to book this session.

Unlimited Duration

The initial appointment plays a crucial role in your health journey. Scientists emphasize that time spent exploring a patient’s story lays the foundation for success. During this unlimited-time session, you’ll have the chance to share your story in depth. Discuss your thoughts and feelings about your health and wellness, reflecting on where you’ve been and where you want to go. This conversation is not just important—it’s the very heart of the session, allowing Dr. Jo to design a customised plan that helps you reach your goals.

What’s Included in Your Initial Appointment?

Dr. Jo takes a comprehensive approach, covering all key aspects of your well-being during the session:

  • Clinical Biomechanical Assessment: Dr. Jo explores relative risks and factors that contribute to your musculoskeletal health.
  • Clinical Nutrition Consultation: Dr. Jo addresses any dietary factors that may impact your overall health, if needed.
  • Clinical Blood Tests: Dr. Jo conducts tests as needed to gain further insights into your health.
  • Clear Explanation of Findings: Dr. Jo explains the results in a way that’s easy for you to understand, ensuring you feel informed and empowered.
  • Treatment: Dr. Jo provides the appropriate treatment based on the outcomes of your assessment.
  • Proposed Rehabilitation Plan: Dr. Jo outlines a plan to guide your recovery and progress if required.
  • Corrective Exercise Prescription: Receive a tailored exercise plan, either online or as a printed guide—whichever suits you best.

And if you prefer flexibility, virtual alternatives are available too!


The cost is £230 per hour, and you pay only for the time spent during your appointment. This ensures you receive dedicated, uninterrupted care throughout your session.


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