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DIY Nutriment Screen
Let us demystify diseases. We don’t have to be scientists to remember that we are made up of hundreds of trillions of intelligent living cells, which in turn make up what we perceive as organs, bones, tissues, blood and brain..
L1 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile – Stool
The biomarkers from the GI Effects Comprehensive Profile are reported using the DIG framework, providing key clinical information for three main gastrointestinal functional areas.
L2 IgG Food Sensitivity
In general, clinical management of the patient with food allergies involves the elimination of offending food(s). Modifiable risk factors (see above) may simultaneously be addressed with diet, botanicals, nutraceuticals, and lifestyle changes.
L3 Toxic Element Clearance Profile (Urine)
The Toxic Element Clearance Profile offers an advanced, comprehensive assessment of toxic and potentially toxic elements excreted in the urine. In addition to measuring classic elemental toxics, this profile includes elements used in medical, aerospace, nuclear and high-tech electronics industries. Use of these potential toxins is increasing because of their growing commercial, industrial, and medical applications.
L4 Fatty Acid Status – Blood (Pin Prick)
Get a unique insight into your body’s Omega 6:3 balance and see individualized “Before” and “After” BalanceTest results. This easy to complete dry blood test, provided by the independent laboratory VITAS, can be carried out quickly at home and help you to start your health protocol.
L5 DetoxiGenomic® Profile
This testing helps clinicians identify these genetic predispositions and customize treatments for better outcomes.