Anti-inflammatory Turmeric and Ginger Carrot Soup
This is a really simple, speedy, and tasty and soup recipe for all.
The ingredients list is for making up to 8-10 litres.
- 100kg carrots
- Freshly ground black pepper corns (using a pestle and mortar)
- 2 litres organic broth (see existing recipes: Chicken or Vegetarian)
- 1 pint of milk – your choice!
- 1 tbsp organic cumin
- 2 tbsp of homemade ghee
- 1 tsp unrefined sea salt
- 1/4 cup organic liquid turmeric (centrifugal juicer)
- 1/4 cup organic liquid ginger root (centrifugal juicer)
- Handful of fresh organic coriander (cilantro) leaves
- Heat ghee in pan until completely melted.
- Add all the carrots to the ghee and stir occasionally for 5 minutes.
- Add all the broth, milk, pepper, cumin, salt, turmeric, and ginger and leave to simmer for 30 minutes.
- When cooking is complete, add the coriander leaves then blend.
- Eat immediately or freeze for another day (storage in soup bags).
There are so many mechanisms involved in squatting, some of these mechanisms are fundamental to the human design, others blow off the cobwebs and allow us to keep moving safely and efficiently. Reducing squatting exposes the joints to premature aging; knees, hips, ankles, spine, and pelvis.
Thumb joint corrects foot pain! Seriously?
I know, crazy right? I must be mistaken? It has to be some kind of black magic? I'm pain-free because of some other factor? It must be psychosomatic?To be honest, I have heard it all now. What's important? My wrist is pain-free enabling me to get back to a normal life after 2 years of pain!
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