Health & Wellness Services

Appointments with Dr. Jo

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About your Appointment with Dr. Jo


Dr. Jo Abbott is available for in-clinic appointments on Fridays and Saturdays, from 8 AM to 6 PM (most weeks).

New Patients: Private Clinic in Dorset

All new patients will be seen by Dr. Jo in her private clinic in Dorset. This ensures there are no time restrictions on your appointment, giving you the space to fully discuss your case and receive the most comprehensive care.

How to Schedule an Appointment

Before booking, a free virtual consultation is required for both you and Dr. Jo to determine whether an appointment is necessary.

To arrange this, contact Dr. Jo via:
📧 Email:
💬 WhatsApp: 0800 3800 603
📞 Phone Call: 0800 3800 603

Appointment Duration & Deposit

✅ Initial appointments are always a minimum of 1 hour.
✅ If an appointment is deemed necessary after the free virtual consultation, a deposit of £230 is often, but not always, required to secure your booking.

Flexible Sessions & Pricing

⏳ Your appointment length is flexible, ensuring you receive the time and space needed for the best care.
💰 Final pricing: The total cost will be calculated based on your session and invoiced afterward.


Once your appointment has been scheduled, you will receive a confirmation via WhatsApp and/or email within a few hours.

Appointment Details

📍 Clinic Location – Directions to ensure a smooth arrival.
🅿️ Parking –  Free & onsite.
📝 What to Bring – A checklist of essential items for your appointment.
🔗 New Patient Clinic Waiver eForm – The link to this eForm will be sent to you via WhatsApp or email and it must be completed at least 48 hours before your appointment to give Dr. Jo time to review your medical history.

⚠️ Important: The eForm is a legal requirement and must be completed before your appointment. Failure to do so will take up valuable time at the beginning of your session. No assessment, treatment, or advice can be provided without it.

What to Wear

👕 Loose-fitting clothing is recommended – shorts and a vest are preferable.
🚫 Avoid wearing Lycra or tight-fitting clothing for ease of movement during assessment.

Medical Documents & Images

📂 If you have medical images or consultant letters relevant to your appointment, and haven’t uploaded the documents on your e-form, please bring them with you.
💿 Dr. Jo’s software supports most medical CDs, and all documents/CDs will be returned at the end of your session.

Business Terms & Conditions

📜 Please take a moment to review Dr. Jo Abbott’s business terms and conditions by clicking this link.


📍 Location: Dr. Jo Abbott’s private clinic in Poole, Dorset.

🚗 If Driving: Allow time for a short walk before your appointment. The clinic is just a 1-minute walk from the beach—a great chance to enjoy fresh sea air.

🔔 Arrival: At your appointment time, find the Ring doorbell to the right of the gate next to the guttering. Please ring and wait for Dr. Jo to meet you.


🩺 Assessment: After settling in, Dr. Jo will discuss your main concern and conduct tests to identify the root cause. These may include:

✔ Urinalysis, blood tests, mineral & stool testing
✔ Postural & movement analysis
✔ Dynamic ultrasound imaging
✔ Applied kinesiology
✔ Cranial-Sacral Therapy
✔ Temporomandibular & Occlusal Assessment
✔ Intraoral Assessment

All tests and treatments on the day are included in your appointment fee. If further lab tests are needed, Dr. Jo will discuss them with you.

☕ Facilities: Refreshments and toilets are available. If needed, breaks can be taken in the garden.

📋 Next Steps: Dr. Jo will summarize findings and outline a plan for improvement. You will then decide if a follow-up is necessary, scheduling it before you leave.


After Your Appointment

💰 Fees & Payment: Dr. Jo Abbott charges £115 per hour. At the end of your session, your total time will be calculated, and you will receive an invoice for immediate payment via:

✔ Apple Pay
✔ Credit Card (via Stripe)

📅 Follow-Up & Personal Plan: If needed, a follow-up appointment will be arranged, or Dr. Jo will create a personalised program to help you reach your goals.

📞 Ongoing Support: Dr. Jo offers free support via:
📧 Email:
💬 WhatsApp/Call: 0800 3800 603

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